Anton Kustia Widjaja

Anton Kustia Widjaja (anton Hwang) (1935-1984; Bandung, West Java), better known as Anton H, studied under artists Kartono Yudokusumo (1924-1957) and Barli Sasmitawinata (born in 1921) in Bandung, West Java. In 1969 he moved to Bali where he developed strong contacts with Western artists on the island.

Anton's decorative works are rich in color and design. His figures of Balinese dancers in particular are stylized into patters which emphasize their dynamic movements.


  • Lyngby Kunstforening (Copenhagen, Denmark, 1975)
  • Holstebro Kunstmuseum (Denmark, 1975)
  • Gallerie im Western (Stuttgart, Germany, 1977)
  • Galerie Inart (Amsterdam, Holland, 1977)
  • Eas-West Center (Honolulu, Hawaii, 1988)
  • Festival of Indonesia (U.S.A., 1990-1992)
  • Singapore Art Museum (1994)
  • Centre For Strategic and International Studies (Jakarta, Indonesia, 1996)
  • Indonesia-Japan Friendship Festival (Morioka, Tokyo, 1997)

Anton Kustia Widjaja